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Limba: cantoneza/mandarina/portugheza/engleza
Subiect: Flavia e profesoara, casatorita si are peste 30 de ani. A alungat din amintire povestea iubirii adolescentine cu prietena ei Jin si acum se simte blocata intr-un mariaj care nu o multumeste. Intamplarea face sa o intalneasca intr-un supermarket pe tanara si seducatoarea cantareata Yip, care reuseste sa starneasca in Flavia o furtuna de sentimente pe care le considera disparute.

Flavia is a thirtysomething married teacher. She has suppressed the memory of her adolescent lesbian fling with Jin and is stuck in a stifling marriage. A chance encounter in a supermarket with the playful and seductive singer Yip reawakens dormant feelings and she begins to think back on her teenage affair with Jin.