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Limba: franceza

Nathalie and Louise are friends from childhood. While studying drama at University Louise becomes hopelessly obsessed with her friend. Jealous of the male friends she has she breaks up the friendship, followed by a suicide attempt. Later, Louise marries, but finds time to see the, by now quite accomplished actress, Nathalie. They fight through the years, La Repetition following them as their friendship comes together and breaks up frequently, while never actually reaching anything that can be called a climax.

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Limba: engleza
Subiect:  Dupa casatorie, Sarita descopera ca nu poate avea copii. E prima oara in viata pentru Reena, sora Saritei, cand poate sa faca ceva ce surorii ei ii este imposibil: sa ramana insarcinata. Obsedata de dorinta de a isi ajuta sora si de a castiga afectiunea mamei ei, Reena decide ca va purta ea copilul si apoi il va da surorii ei si sotului ei, Mitch, spre adoptie. Acum trebuie doar sa isi convinga iubita ca toata povestea e o idee buna. Cand personajele trebuie sa impace valorile indiene traditionale, pe de o parte, si valorile new-yorkezului modern pe de alta parte, "Chtuney Popcorn" e o comedie care iti arata ca poti gasi notiunea de familie undeva intre cele doua.

When married Sarita discovers she can't have children, for the first time in their lives Reena can do something her perfect sister Sarita can't: get pregnant. Obsessed with helping her sister and winning her mom's approval, Reena decides she'll have the baby and then give it to her sister and brother-in-law, Mitch. Now she just needs to convince her commitment-phobic girlfriend to go along with the idea. With Indian traditions on the one hand and modern New York City values on the other, Chutney Popcorn is a provocative new comedy that shows you can find family somewhere between the two.

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Limba: cantoneza/mandarina/portugheza/engleza
Subiect: Flavia e profesoara, casatorita si are peste 30 de ani. A alungat din amintire povestea iubirii adolescentine cu prietena ei Jin si acum se simte blocata intr-un mariaj care nu o multumeste. Intamplarea face sa o intalneasca intr-un supermarket pe tanara si seducatoarea cantareata Yip, care reuseste sa starneasca in Flavia o furtuna de sentimente pe care le considera disparute.

Flavia is a thirtysomething married teacher. She has suppressed the memory of her adolescent lesbian fling with Jin and is stuck in a stifling marriage. A chance encounter in a supermarket with the playful and seductive singer Yip reawakens dormant feelings and she begins to think back on her teenage affair with Jin.

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Limba: engleza
Subiect: Plasată în anii '30 într-o şcoala cu regim de internat şi reguli stricte din Anglia, drama regizată de Jordan Scott spune povestea unui grup de fete care luptă pentru atenţia domnişoarei G., enigmatica lor instructoare de înot. Apariţia unei noi eleve şi faptul că domnişoara G. îi acordă acesteia mai multă atenţie va da naştere la gelozie în rândul fetelor, dar şi la dispariţia inexplicabilă a noii venite. http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/cracks-465634/

A look at the lives and relationships among girls at an elite British boarding school.

Lucia, multumim ca ne-ai sugerat acest film!

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Limba: engleza
Subiect: Doua lesbiene atragatoare, Maggie si Kim, se intalnesc in Vancouver, incep o relatie pasionala, si se muta impreuna. Intre timp, Lila, mama lui Maggie, o persoana bine intentionata dar naiva, divorteaza si decide sa se mute la Vancouver impreuna cu cele doua fete. Curand dupa mutare, Lila se imprieteneste cu Judy, o transsexuala care are in plan sa se supuna unei operatii de schimbare de sex in viitorul apropiat. Complicatiile apar pe masura ce Lila cea de moda veche afla adevarul despre Maggie, Judie si grupul lor de prieteni.

Two attractive young lesbians, Maggie and Kim, meet in Vancouver, develop a passionate romance, and move in together. Meanwhile, Maggie's well-meaning but naive mother Lila gets divorced and decides to move to Vancouver and join the household. Soon after, Lila is befriended by Judy, a transsexual about to undergo a sex-change operation. Complications ensue as the conservative Lila learns the truth about Maggie, Judy, and their diverse group of friends.

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Limba: engleza
Subiect:  Dreya Weber intr-un rol exceptional. 
Un ofiţer din armata SUA decorat este trimis acasă inexplicabil din război, dar imediat după ce ajunge acasă va avea parte de o surpriză: este recrutat pentru a aduce pe calea cea bună o adolescentă care are probleme cu legea. Pe parcurs, între cele două se va naşte o relaţie de empatie, care va duce la aflarea adevăratelor motive care au dus la excluderea ei din armată. Acest film ne va arată adevarat forţă a unei femei şi reintegrarea nesperată a unei adolescente, cu probleme de adaptare la o nouă viaţă.

Marine officer Alexandra is tough enough to kick any guy's ass in a bar fight, but there's one opponent she can't beat: military policy. When she returns to her conservative hometown from Iraq with a mysterious personal life, she finds herself charged with preparing a tempestuous teenage girl to boot camp.

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Limba: English
Subiect:A talented, but distracted photographer, Lola, on the verge of success in both love and work, could lose it all if she doesn't make it to a crucial meeting on time. But, as usual, Lola is late. With her job and girlfriend on the line, she has three chances to make it right. In a desperate race through the streets and back rooms of San Francisco, time grows short-will Lola make it? Will she come at all? With a pop sensibility that mixes live action, animation and still photography, And Then Came Lola explores love's age old question in a fresh new way, "If you try, try again, will you finally get it right?"

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Limba: franceza/ French
Subiect: O sotie neglijata incepe o poveste de dragoste cu profesoara ei de dans.

A lonely wife secretly starts an affair with a female dance teacher, at the distress of her husband. 


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Limba: engleza
Subiect: Uimitoarea Dreya Weber joacă rolul unei foste campioane la gimnastică ce descoperă iubirea şi o altfel de viaţă implicându-se într-un proiect de show artistic alături de o dansatoare, rol interpretat de fosta majoretă a L.A. Lakers, Addie Yungmee. http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/the-gymnast-gimnasta-27260/

The talented Jane Hawkins (Dreya Weber, Lovely & Amazing) was an impressive gymnast at the top of her game until a devastating injury ended her career. Now she pours the passion, strength and discipline that once fueled her sport into maintaining both a tedious job as a massage therapist and a loveless marriage. A chance meeting leads sets Jane on a new path: performing a CirqueDu Soleil style aerial act with a mysterious and beautiful dancer named Serena (Addie Yungmee). Each of them are illuminated by the presence of the other, but there are distractions. Jane is distressed by her lack of children while Serena is a closeted lesbian who tackles stereotypes with being an adopted Korean daughter of Jewish parents. As the stunning pair prepares to audition their act for a Las Vegas show, the gravitational pull between the two women becomes increasingly unavoidable... A visually compelling film that challenges notions of both ability and identity, THE GYMNAST is foremost a story about hope and taking the necessary risks to fully become yourself.
Fate brings two diversely different women together, and sets them on a collision course that will shatter their preconceived notions about love, life and the power of one's soul.

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LEBĂDA NEAGRĂ urmăreşte povestea Ninei (Portman), o balerină într-o companie de balet din New York, a cărei viaţă, la fel ca a tuturor celor din această branşă, este complet consumată de dans. Locuieşte cu mama ei, Erica, fostă balerină (Barbara Hershey), care sprijină cu zel ambiţia profesională a fiicei sale. Când directorul artistic Thomas Leroy (Vincent Cassel) decide s-o înlocuiască pe prim-balerina Beth Macintyre (Winona Ryder) pentru producţia de deschidere a noii stagiuni, "Lacul lebedelor", Nina este prima alegere. Dar Nina are concurenţă: o nouă dansatoare, Lily (Kunis), care îl impresionează, de asemenea, pe Leroy. "Lacul lebedelor" necesită o dansatoare, care poate juca atât Lebăda Albă cu inocenţă şi graţie, cât şi Lebăda Neagră care reprezintă viclenia şi senzualitatea. Nina e perfectă pentru rolul Lebedei Albe, însă Lily este personificarea Lebedei Negre. În timp ce cele două tinere dansatoare îşi extind rivalitatea într-o prietenie bolnăvicioasă, Nina începe să-şi descopere partea întunecată, cu o inconştienţă care ameninţă s-o distrugă.

Black Swan: Nina (Portman) is a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life, like all those in her profession, is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her obsessive former ballerina mother Erica (Hershey) who exerts a suffocating control over her. When artistic director Thomas Leroy (Cassel) decides to replace prima ballerina Beth MacIntyre (Ryder) for the opening production of their new season, Swan Lake, Nina is his first choice. But Nina has competition: a new dancer, Lily (Kunis), who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requires a dancer who can play both the White Swan with innocence and grace, and the Black Swan, who represents guile and sensuality. Nina fits the White Swan role perfectly but Lily is the personification of the Black Swan. As the two young dancers expand their rivalry into a twisted friendship, Nina begins to get more in touch with her dark side - a recklessness that threatens to destroy her.
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Limba: engleza/ English
Subiect: Glenn Close s-a "transformat" în bărbat pentru rolul din filmul "Albert Nobbs", povestea unei irlandeze din secolul al XIX-lea.
Filmul ne prezintă o femeie care pretinde a fi bărbat pentru a supravieţui într-o lume dominată de bărbaţi şi strânge bani pentru a-şi deschide un magazin. Întâlnirea cu o altă femeie care pretinde că este bărbat şi prietenia cu un coleg de serviciu mai tânăr vor duce la complicaţii şi drame pentru care protagonista nu este pregătită. http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/albert-nobbs-559547/

Albert Nobbs struggles to survive in late 19th century Ireland, where women aren't encouraged to be independent. Posing as a man, so she can work as a butler in Dublin's most posh hotel, Albert meets a handsome painter and looks to escape the lie she has been living. 

Urmareste filmul cu subtitrare in limba romana aici: http://filme-online-gratis.com/blog/2012/05/14/albert-nobbs-2011/

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Limba: engleza
Subiect:  Cand May era copil, era o fetita singuratica cu un defect la un ochi, fara prieteni, doar cu o papusa urata daruita de mama ei cu ocazia zilei de nastere.
Cand a crescut, a ramas o femeie singuratica care lucra intr-un spital veterinar, asista la operatii un medic si ingrijea animalele bolnave.
Colega sa lesbiana, Polly, era o atractie pentru ea. Cand il cunoaste pe Adam, se indragosteste de mainile lui si de el. Dezamagita de Polly si Adam, si cand papusa sa se sparge, decida sa-si faca un partener din bucati, folosindu-se de cunoscutii sai.  http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/may-18933/

Psychological horror about a lonely young woman traumatized by a difficult childhood, and her increasingly desperate attempts to connect with the people around her.

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Jackie is a former child star trying to fit into college. Almost immediately she meets Professor Catherine Stark (McAtee), a sexy psychology professor with a reputation for bedding female undergrads.
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Limba: engleza / English
Alice has married the rich but boring Martin. When they move to a small village Martin starts flirting with Clodagh, but she is more interested in his wife Alice...

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"Mango Kiss" is a story about Lou whose world turns upside-down when she falls in love with her best friend Sassafras. They journey to San Francisco and stumble into the wild world of role-playing and non-monogamous S/M dykes. Comedy ensues as these wholesome girls get in over their heads.

Scatterbrained Polly gets a job as a secretary in Gabrielle's art gallery. Gabrielle has a romantic relationship with the painter Mary. Polly hangs a picture by Mary believing that Gabrielle made it.

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Limba: germana
Subiect: Un film german care se afla intre primele filme care au avut curajul sa descrie explicit o relatie homosexuala.
Manuela este o tanara independenta si plina de energie care e trimisa la un internat dupa moartea mamei sale. Directoarea conduce scoala cu o mana de fier, si crede ca disciplina si infometarea intaresc tinerele caractere. Ca si celelalte fete, Manuela se ataseaza sentimental de  Elizabeth Von Bernburg , o tanara profesoara care crede ca cel mai important lucru dintre toate este sa fie prietena apropiata e elevelor. Greseala Manuelei este sa isi declare iubirea pentru profesoara ei in fata tuturor celor adunati la petrecerea de dupa piesa de teatru la care participa elevele. Reactiile care urmeaza sunt diverse, unele simpatetice, altele violente...dar cum va reactiona directoarea si care vor fi consecintele?

German film in which a sensitive girl is sent to an all-girls boarding school and develops a romantic attachment to one of her teachers. One of the earliest narrative films to explicitly portray homosexuality.  
Manuela is a spirited and independent teenager sent to a boarding school when her mother dies. The Prussian principal runs the school with an iron hand, believing that discipline and hunger strengthen a girl's character. Like the rest of the girls, Manuela develops a crush on Elizabeth Von Bernburg, a young teacher who believes it's important to be the children's trusted friend. Manuela's mistake is to announce her love in front of guests and students at a party following a school play. How will the principal discipline Manuela, and how will Fraulein Von Bernberg, Manuela, and the other girls react to the principal's decisions?

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Limba: engleza
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Subiect: Filmul este bazat pe un caz real, povestea surorilor Papin.

Christine este servitoarea unei renumite văduve din burghezia franceză a începutului anilor 1930, Madame Danzard și a fiicei sale, Isabelle Danzard. Sora Christinei, Lea este și ea angajata la curte la recomandarea surorii ei.

Marea discrepanță dintre clasele sociale și imposibilitatea de a comunica cu alte persoane le aduc pe fete tot mai aproape una de alta, până ce se ajunge la obsesie, obsesie la care contribuie și sentimentele refulate și bine ascunse din copilăria fiecăreia. Cu acest amalgam de sentimente și izolare, nu mai este mult și relația lor devine sexuală. iar gelozia Christinei care este declanșata de scăderea atenției obținută de la sora duce la paranoia și într-un final la crimă.   http://www.cinemarx.ro/filme/Sister-My-Sister-Sister-My-Sister-19001.html

This all-woman production is set in provincial France in the early 1930's. Two young, country sisters enter domestic service in the bourgeois household of a penurious widow and her homely daughter. Neither pair speaks to the other: two sets of women separated and confined by social convention, personality, and the house itself. The relationship of the sisters slowly evolves into obsession, brought about by isolation and by emotions left from childhood. Trapped in a garret room, the sisters' violent downstairs-upstairs collision with Madame Danzard and the lumpy Isabelle seems certain.

Urmareste online/ Watch online: solarmovie links /   1channel

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Limba: engleza
Subtitrare in lb romana:  click aici
Subiect:  Filmul acopera o parte din viata scriitoarei Daphne du Maurier, mai exact perioada dintre scrierea romanului "Rebecca" si a nuvelei "Pasarile". Daphne e impartita intre mai multe relatii - cea cu sotul ei  Frederick 'Boy' Browning, cea cu actrita  Gertrude Lawrence, si in cele din urma, relatia ciudata cu Ellen Doubleday, sotia unui bogat editor american, in care sentimentele ei de dragoste raman, intr-un final, neintelese de nehotarata Ellen.

Set during the years between the "Rebecca" trial and the writing of Du Maurier's short story "The Birds", including her relationship with her husband Frederick 'Boy' Browning, and her largely unrequited infatuations with American publishing tycoon's wife Ellen Doubleday and the actress Gertrude Lawrence.

Urmareste online:   1channel  / solarmovie links 

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Limba: engleza
Subtitrare in lb romana:  click aici
Subiect: Corky, o fosta puscariasa care lucreaza ca instalator intr-o cladire, o intalneste pe Violet, amanta mafiotului Caesar. Cele doua femei se hotarasc sa-i fure mafiotului cele 2 milioane dolari pe care acesta le tinea pentru Gino, seful sau. Lucrurile se complica in momentul in care Caesar afla de planul lor si reactioneaza in mod neasteptat. http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/bound-6093/

Corky, a tough female ex con and her lover Violet concoct a scheme to steal millions of stashed mob money and pin the blame on Violet's crooked boyfriend Caeser.
Urmareste online: stagevu part 1 /   stagevu part 2 

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Limba: engleza
Subiect: Jessica e fiica adoptiva a unei familii de evanghelisti, care o destinase vietii de misionar. Dar educatia religioasa stricta n-o impiedica pe adolescenta sa se indragosteasca de o alta fata. Recunoasterea propriei sexualitati si lupta Jessicai cu universul opac in care e obligata sa traiasca o vor pune pe tanara in fata unor alegeri importante in viata. (partial citat de pe http://www.cinemagia.ro/filme/oranges-are-not-the-only-fruit-portocalele-nu-sunt-singurele-fructe-16116/ )

Jessica's extraordinarily strong will and heart enables her to rebel against her fanatical, cult-like upbringing. From seven to seventeen Jess is brainwashed to be one of the 'saved', to devote her life to Jesus, to follow the discriminatory teachings of Pastor Finch and his understanding of Revelations. As her warm personality dictates she succeeds in fitting into this regime and spreads the word of Jesus in a fairly content manner. But when her friendship with Melanie develops into something a little more 'unnatural' she easily realizes the error of the Pastors teachings. The girls are subjected to terrible treatment to convince them to repent.