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In post-war London Viv Pearce, seeing married spiv Reggie, runs a dating bureau with Helen Giniver, who lives with her older lover, authoress Julia Standing. Viv's younger brother Duncan, a tormented homosexual, has been in prison and is sought out by his - straight - ex-cellmate Robert Fraser, who served time as a conscientious objector and is now concerned for the boy's welfare. Viv encounters Kay Langrish, a wealthy, reclusive butch lesbian and for both women this evokes memories of 1944 when Kay was an heroic ambulance driver and Helen was Kay's girlfriend, before Kay introduced her to her ex-lover Julia. Viv had an illegal abortion, funded by Reggie, and, after she needed hospital treatment, Kay saved her from prosecution by claiming she was a married woman who had miscarried. Three years earlier Kay and Julia are still an item and Viv meets unhappily married soldier Reggie on a train. Kay pulls Helen from the wreckage of a bombed house whilst we learn why Duncan was in prison following a suicide pact with the boy he loved. As the scene returns to 1947 there are happier endings for some, not for others but there is still optimism.
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Limba: germana / German
Subiect: E anul 1938. Louise von Hollendorf e casatorita cu un diplomat din inalta societate nazista si frecventeaza cursuri de arta. Sotul ei, Heinz, e un politician de succes in Germania de dinaintea celui de-al doilea razboi mondial. Cei doi soti au o relatie excelenta. La cursurile de arta, Louise o cunoaste pe exotica si misterioasa Mitsuko Matsugae, fiica ambasadorului Japoniei la Berlin. Cele doua femei incep o prietenie care va deveni o relatie lesbiana. Insa Mitsuko il seduce si pe Heinz, sotul Louisei, care dezvolta o pasiune bolnavicioasa pentru Mitsuko. Acest triunghi marital va avea ca final o tragedie.

In 1938, in Berlin, Louise von Hollendorf is a well married woman frequenting art classes. Her husband Heinz von Hollendorf is a successful politician in a pre-war German and they have an excellent relationship. During the class, Louise meets Mitsuko Matsugae, an exotica and very discreet Japanese young woman, daughter of the Ambassador of Japan in Berlin. They start a friendship that is followed by a lesbian love between them. Mitsuko indeed is a very seductive and amoral bisexual woman and seduces also Heinz. This relationship ends in a tragedy.
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Limba: engleza
Subiect:  Barbara Covett (interpretată de Dame Judi Dench) este o profesoară londoneză aproape de pensie, cinică şi solitară, al cărei singur prieten este bătrâna sa pisică, Portia. Pentru Barbara, unicul mod de a-şi alina singurătatea este de a-şi scrie jurnalul. Însă viaţa ei se schimbă total o data cu venirea noii profesoare de arte plastice, Sheba Hart (Cate Blanchett). Sheba pare prietena pe care Barbara şi-a dorit-o dintotdeauna. Dar în momentul în care Barbara descoperă că mai tânăra sa colegă are o aventură cu unul dintre elevi, Steven (Andrew Simpson), prietenia lor ia o turnură urâtă. Barbara o ameninţă pe Sheba că va dezvălui secretul tuturor, inclusiv soţului Shebei, Richard (Bill Nighy). Pe măsură ce Barbara îşi desfăşoară maşinaţiunile răutăcioase, propriile-i secrete şi obsesii ies la iveală.

A veteran high school teacher befriends a younger art teacher, who is having an affair with one of her 15-year-old students. However, her intentions with this new "friend" also go well beyond platonic friendship.