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Tara / Country:  USA
Limba: engleza / English

Subiect: Obligată să se integreze într-o nouă comunitate şi într-o nouă şcoală, după ce mamele ei lesbiene hotărăsc să lase în urmă San Francisco-ul pentru o suburbie mai liniştită, simpatica Tru luptă, ca mai toţi tinerii de vârsta ei, să ţină pasul cu timpurile, să-şi găsească un loc în noua gaşcă, dar şi să întâlnească dragostea.

Plot: Recently relocated from San Francisco to conservative suburbia by her lesbian mothers, Tru struggles like all teens to fit in and find love, but her quest is complicated by sexual politics, closed minds, and closeted friends as she seeks to establish her school's first Gay-Straight Alliance.
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Tara / Country:  USA
Limba: engleza / English

Subiect: O gospodina din New Jersey e nemultumita de viata ei cotidiana pentru ca este mai inteligenta decat crede ea... si decat stie lumea. La un curs de computere, Julie isi descopera capacitatile si gaseste curajul de a-si schimba radical viata. Aceasta este o poveste despre implinirea potentialului si lupta pentru o sansa de a gasi fericirea. Claire, cea mai buna prietena a Juliei, i se alatura in aceasta cautare. Insa sentimentele lor se dovedesc a fi mult mai mult decat o simpla prietenie.

  Plot: A New Jersey housewife is dissatisfied with her everyday life because she is smarter than she or anyone else knows. While taking a computer class, Julie discovers her abilities and finds the courage to make dramatic life changes. This is a story of realizing one's potential and being willing to turn one's life upside down to take a chance on finding happiness. Claire, Julie's best friend, goes along with Julie's secret quest and eventually moves in with her. Both women are on a search to realize their dreams and come to terms with their love for each other.
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Tara / Country:  USA
Limba: engleza / English

Subiect: Ai din cand in cand cate o criza de identitate? Spui uneori cate o minciuna pentru a-i face fericiti pe ceilalti?Alex Houston, personajul principal al acestei povesti, te-a intrecut de mult pentru ca le-a facut pe toate, si inca intr-o maniera absolut dementa...Aceasta comedie plina de situatii neasteptate exploreaza modul cateodata haotic in care comunicam cu cei dragi. Pe masura ce se incalceste singura in propria plasa de minciuni, Alex se straduie sa ajunga la adevarata comunicare cu logodnicul ei, familia si cel mai mult, cu ea insasi.

  Plot: Ever have an identity crisis? Tell a little white lie here and there, just to make everyone happy? Well, Alex Houston has got you beat, hands down. This witty, farcical romp that explores the sometimes comically bumbling way in which we come out to the people we love - whether we're gay or straight. As she becomes increasingly entangled in her web of lies, Alex struggles to come to terms with her fiancé, her family and most of all herself along the way.
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Tara / Country:  USA
Limba: engleza / English

Subiect: Kaye tocmai s-a mutat in New Orleans din Atlanta, impreuna cu familia ei. Intre ea si Emily, o colega de scoala energica si rebela, se leaga o prietenie speciala. Cele doua fete incep sa isi petreaca tot timpul impreuna. Emily chiar o ajuta pe Kaye sa fuga de acasa pentru cateva zile. Mamele celor doua fete nu sunt de acord cu aceasta prietenie. Mama lui Kaye, o persoana foarte religioasa, incepe sa suspecteze ce considera ea ca e cel e mai rau lucru din lume - ca intentiile lui Emily sunt de natura sexuala si ii vor corupe fiica. Silite sa se confrunte cu presiunea venita din partea colegilor de scoala si a familiei, Kaye si Emily trebuie sa aleaga intre promisiunile pe care si le-au facut una alteia, si a se integra intr-o societate care refuza sa le accepte.

Plot: When pretty but troubled Kaye moves to New Orleans from Atlanta with her mother and little brother, she forges a special friendship with Emily, a rebellious high school senior with troubles of her own. They become instant best friends, and begin spending all their free time together. Emily even helps Kaye run away from home. The girls' mothers do not approve of their relationship, and Emily's mother accuses her of associating to closely with a corrupted and confused young girl. As Kaye and Emily grow closer, Kaye's mother begins to suspect what she fears is the worse, that Emily's sexual prowess has corrupted her daughter. Faced with the ridicule from their peers, and the pressures of their families and conservative religious beliefs, Kaye and Emily are forced to choose between true love and the promises they've made to each other, and fitting into a society that refuses to accept them.
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Tara / Country:  Canada
Limba: engleza / English

Subiect: Stella si Dot sunt impreuna de mai bine de 30 de ani. Acum ca sunt trecute de 70 de ani, Stella nu mai aude prea bine, iar Dot si-a pierdut vederea. Cand familia si imprejurarile vor sa le desparta, cele doua hotarasc sa fuga in Canada si sa se casatoreasca. Pe drum, li se alatura tanarul Prentice, de meserie dansator, care vrea sa ajunga acasa la mama lui suferinda.

Plot: An elderly lesbian couple Stella (Olympia Dukakis) and Dot (Brenda Fricker) have been together for over 30 years. Now in their late seventies, Stella is hard of hearing and Dot now blind. Growing sick and tired of their surroundings, they manage to escape from their nursing home and make their way to Canada to get married. Along their travels they pick up Prentice (Ryan Doucette), a young male dancer returning home to be with his dying mother.

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