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Language: English / Chinese
Country: Canada
Plot summary: An Asian lesbian couple and a mixed race gay teen living in the same Vancouver apartment building struggle with their cultural identities, and how to balance their family needs and relations, just after same sex marriage is legalized in Canada.
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Language: Spanish / Guarani
Country: Argentina / France / Spain
Plot summary: A desperate love story between two young girls of extremely different social backgrounds who, unable to find a place for their love in the world they live in, are pushed to commit a crime.

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Aceasta este povestea unei fete pe nume Lala, fiica adolescentă a unui  judecător bogat din Buenos Aires şi a iubitei sale Ailin, care este  servitoarea casei. Cele două se iubesc şi  intenţionează să  fugă împreună la casa familiei lui Ailin în Paraguay lângă Lacul Ypoa, dar atunci când tatăl Lalei este ucis în împrejurări misterioase, Ailin ia vina asupra ei pentru a-și proteja iubita. Ce se va întâmpla cu ele acum? Pot ele să scape de lege şi să-şi îndeplinească visele?

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Language: English
Country: USA
Plot summary: Before leaving for college, a recently dumped goth girl's life changes forever when she falls in love with a smart and professional college grad who is staying in the family's guest house.

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Înainte de a pleca la facultate, viata unei fete goth,care a fost părăsită recent de iubit,se schimba pentru totdeauna, atunci când se îndrăgostește de o fată inteligentă și profesionistă, care se mută în casa de oaspeți a familiei ei.

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Language: French / English / Hebrew
Country: Israel
Plot summary: A dark comedy about two girls who fall in love with their country and with each other en route from Tel Aviv to Sderot (the ongoing target of Qassam rocket attacks).

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Country: Canada
Language: English
Plot summary: Behind the facade of a beautiful urban home, a combination of complacency and bad investments has left power couple Ben and Gail disconnected, resentful and just about broke. When the cash-strapped yuppies fire their teen-aged daughter's lesbian Mexican nanny, Margarita, they set off a chain of events that lead to her deportation.


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Language: English
Plot summary: TRU, 37, is a serial bed-hopping lesbian who cannot commit to a relationship or a job for long...that is, until she meets ALICE, 60, a beautiful widow, who has come to town at the last minute to visit her daughter, SUZANNE, 35, a too-busy corporate lawyer and Tru's friend. Alice and Tru begin to forge an unlikely friendship...and more. Suzanne, who has a deeply conflicted relationship with her mother and a complicated past with Tru, becomes increasingly alarmed at the growing bond between Tru and her mother. Tensions escalate after Suzanne witnesses an intimate moment between them. She tries to sabotage the budding romance, but it backfires, as Tru Love is hard to contain.


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Language: English
Plot summary: Trigger is the story of two rock n' roll women who once shared a friendship, a band and a whole lot of chaos. Now a dozen years later they meet again, and over the course of one evening rediscover friendship, remember rock n'roll and reignite chaos.

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Language: French
Plot summary: Clara and her best friend Zoé head to summer camp for a summer of adventure and self-discovery. Both virgins, Zoé views camp as her chance to lose her virginity. After becoming romantically involved with Sébastien, a fellow camp member, Zoé learns that Sébastien cares far more about his friends than her and has sex with her just to impress them. After discovering this unsettling fact, Zoé turns to Clara for moral support and then, in a moment of confusion, professes her love for her. Clara, in the midst of recognizing her own sexuality, rejects Zoé's romantic advance but soon regrets the spurn, and begins to become attracted to the beautiful and out Sonia.

Read reviews here: rottenromatoes 


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Language: English
Plot summary: The daughter of a lesbian couple seeks a tale about a "knightess". One of her mothers tells her a story of a Lady and a midwife who fall in love.

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Language: Turkish/English/German
Plot summary: Nejat seems disapproving about his widower father Ali's choice of prostitute Yeter for a live-in girlfriend. But he grows fond of her when he discovers she sends money home to Turkey for her daughter's university studies. Yeter's sudden death distances father and son. Nejat travels to Istanbul to search for Yeter's daughter Ayten. Political activist Ayten has fled the Turkish police and is already in Germany. She is befriended by a young woman, Lotte, who invites rebellious Ayten to stay in her home, a gesture not particularly pleasing to her conservative mother Susanne. When Ayten is arrested and her asylum plea is denied, she is deported and imprisoned in Turkey. Lotte travels to Turkey,where she gets caught up in the seemingly hopeless situation of freeing Ayten.

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 Când tatal său o aduce acasă pe Yeter, o prostituată, şi arată că ar vrea ca femeia să locuiasca acolo, Nejat nu e deloc mulţumit. Cu toate acestea, tânărul începe să o placă pe Yeter când află cum aceasta se chinuie să-şi întreţină fiica rămasă în Turcia. Cu imprevizibilul caracteristic lui Akin, protagoniştii ajung fiecare să pornească într-o călătorie, chiar dacă la capatul fiecareia dintre ele se află altceva.
Nejat este un tânăr profesor de origine turcă care predă limba germană la universitatea din Brema. Când Yeter, prietena tatălui său, moare într-un mod tragic, Nejat se duce la Istanbul în speranţa de a o găsi pe Ayten, fiica lui Yeter. Dar Nejat nu ştie că Ayten, activistă politică de douăzeci de ani, a fugit în Germania pentru a scăpa de poliţia turcă. La Hamburg, Ayten simpatizează cu Lotte, o studentă nemţoaică sedusă imediat de farmecul şi angajamentul politic al tinerei rebele. Lotte îi propune chiar lui Ayten să locuiască la ea acasă. cinemagia

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Language: English
Plot summary: Marty Barnes gets more than he wishes for when he asks his wife to join him in a menage-a-trois. She loves it and he has created a Sex Monster.

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Marty Barnes isi convinge sotia sa participe la un menage-a-trois. Problema este ca dupa experienta, ea dovedeste a fi un adevarat monstru

Language: English
Plot summary: Fired from his job for exposing corrupt business practices, a former biotech executive turns to impregnating wealthy lesbians for profit.

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John Henry Armstrong este concediat cand isi da in vileag sefii, lansand astfel o investigatie de mare amploare asupra consiliului de conducere. Cunoscut acum drept un mare paracios, nici o companie nu mai doreste sa-l angajeze si nu are nici un ban in buzunar. Cand fosta lui prietena, Fatima, o femeie de afaceri puternica - acum lesbiana - ii ofera multi bani gheata pentru a o lasa gravida pe ea si pe prietena ei Alex, Jack este atras de sansa de a face usor bani. Vestea se imprastie repede si in curand Jack intra intr-o adevarata afacere de facut bebelusi, clientii fiind lesbiene cu multi bani. Dar intre incercarile fostului patron de a-i inscena o frauda si activitatile sale paterne dubioase, Jack descopera ca dintr-o data viata sa este extrem de complicata.

IMDB:   click
Language: English
Plot summary: A chronicle of the tragic love affair between American poet Elizabeth Bishop and Brazilian architect Lota de Macedo Soares.

Read reviews here: afterellen / autostraddle / rottenromatoes / theguardian

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